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Chinese translation for "uat the villa"


Related Translations:
uat:  UAT = 〔法语〕 Union Aéromaritime de Transport 〔法国〕联合海空运输公司。
cha uat:  差渥
look uat the ceiling:  瞧瞧天花板
uat user acceptance test:  用户测试
and wound uat your door:  终于来到你的家门前
staring uat a dark gray sky:  最多时天空凝视灰黑
the car drew uat the door:  我将替你草拟这个计划
uat the stars thou art gazing:  当你抬头望星星
looking uat the stars i know quite well:  我一清二……我一清二楚仰望群星的时分
villa canas:  卡尼亚斯镇
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